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Being Mentally Strong

Being Mentally Strong

In her TEDx talk called The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong Amy Morin says that mentally strong people have healthy habits that help them manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. In this infographic Morin summarizes the 13 things mentally strong people don’t do. I use 

Setting goals you can achieve

Setting goals you can achieve

We set goals to decide on our long-term vision and to provide ourselves with short-term motivation along the way. Goals allow us to measure forward progress and take pride in achievements. They give us something to work toward that’s bigger than just completing tasks so 

Game-Changing AI Breakthroughs in KM

Game-Changing AI Breakthroughs in KM

Yesterday I participated in a round table for KM World called “Game-Changing Breakthroughs in Knowledge Management”. I joined Heather Richards, VP KM Product Strategy at Verint and Vivek Sriram, Chief Marketing Officer at Lucidworks to discuss how discovering the value in corporate knowledge is amplified 

Make the 80-20 rule work for you by working intentionally

Make the 80-20 rule work for you by working intentionally

Vilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto, the father of the 80-20 rule, was born in 1848. He was an Italian mathematician, economist, sociologist, and philosopher. Pareto, an engineer by education, used his training to apply mathematical principles to economics. Pareto’s main contribution to the field of economics was “Pareto’s Law of Income 

Time: protecting your most valuable resource

Time: protecting your most valuable resource

In doing research recently I stumbled across an inspiring article from Success magazine. It contained the following inspiring nugget about protecting your time from attention grabbing distractions: My favorite way to make my attention valuable is to protect the first hour of my day at 

Beating Procrastination

Beating Procrastination

I’m writing this post even though I’d rather be at the beach. It’s a lovely day, but I have set a goal for myself to post at least every other week. I want to model how to beat procrastination to my colleagues, and employees and 

Setting goals: body, spirit, soul and mind

Setting goals: body, spirit, soul and mind

I feel it’s important that everyone set long term goals for themselves in four areas: Body, Spirit, Soul and Mind. Body goals focus on the physical, Spirit on the artistic, Soul on the philosophical, and Mind on the career. Many times, people set goals in 

You can learn anything

You can learn anything

It’s critically important, at every age, to learn new skills. A recent study from the University of Pittsburgh found that “new neural activity patterns emerge with long-term learning and established a causal link between these patterns and new behavioral abilities.” As the lead scientist said,