Time: protecting your most valuable resource

Time: protecting your most valuable resource

In doing research recently I stumbled across an inspiring article from Success magazine. It contained the following inspiring nugget about protecting your time from attention grabbing distractions:

My favorite way to make my attention valuable is to protect the first hour of my day at all costs. When I wake up, I don’t look at my phone, log on to my computer or turn on the TV. I refuse to give these devices my attention. Instead I turn my attention to the things that matter to me most: exercising and getting my children ready for school. This one habit has created so much control in my life.

From “Time Is Your Most Valuable Resource—Don’t Waste It” by Mel Robbins, https://www.success.com/time-is-your-most-valuable-resource-dont-waste-it/

Yesterday I did the exact opposite. As soon as I had a cup of coffee I sat down to I read my email. Then I edited a post for this site. Instead, I should have exercised or spent time with my daughter before taking her to the dentist. In the end, we had to rush around to get ready to leave for her appointment. I didn’t even eat breakfast. Not the best way to spent the last morning of the summer.

This morning I took the article’s suggestion to heart. While I did check my email, it was only to check the Cross Country practice schedule. Good. After the kids left for school dressed, packed and fed, I changed and went for a run. Better. It felt great. By getting dressed for exercise as soon as I get up and by eating breakfast with while kids get ready, I can also to make time to check my email and IMs. Then I can be relaxed and fit but also prepared for starting the work day.

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